Elizabeth Morquecho
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Author & Editor


Elizabeth lives in Houston and serves alongside her husband and children at a small Baptist church. She homeschools her three girls and enjoys bringing them up in the ways of the Lord. She has been writing since she was a child and honed her craft as she grew older. Her passion is for writing Christian fiction dealing with hard life issues and the redemption that only God can bring. Elizabeth is also an editor for Crossroads Publishing, LLC, as well as a freelance editor for writers who need a helping hand. When editing, she loves sharing her art for bringing a story to life with others and enjoys watching a writer when they catch the flame of passionate writing. When she isn't writing or editing, Elizabeth can be found at the church with her family, or teaching piano lessons to those with a longing to use their talents for Christ. She also enjoys puzzles, spending time with her husband, playing with her kids and the dog, Django. And she is majorly addicted to all things coffee....